If you are missing one tooth, several teeth, or all of them, you’ll be happy to know that our exceptional dentists, Dr. Brian and Dr. Katherine, have a solution at Dentistry at Windermere: modern dentures in Cumming! As experts in tooth replacement, they use innovative diagnostic and imaging techniques to create and deliver multiple types of dentures, including conventional dentures as well as overdentures supported on dental implants. If you want to learn more about your treatment options, you can contact us to schedule a consultation or keep reading!
All in all, nearly anyone with missing teeth can get dentures. These devices don't have strict requirements for their users. That said, you should consult our dentists before you commit to anything. They’ll assess your smile to see if dentures suit your needs. Plus, they’ll still help out if you don’t qualify. Becoming a good denture candidate is just a matter of preliminary dental work. Otherwise, our office can show you its other restorative services. Please keep reading to learn more, or call us soon.
As you weigh whether to get dentures, it’s best to review tooth loss causes and effects. Doing so reinforces how treatment benefits your grin.
Firstly, the causes of tooth loss are many and varied. One person could suffer decay that makes a tooth fall out or need extraction. Someone else may get gum disease that does much the same. Yet other figures could have an accident or injury that knocks out their teeth.
Unlike its causes, tooth loss’ effects are limited but severe. The most obvious one is that lacking teeth makes everyday tasks – eating, speaking, smiling, etc. – hard. It also creates smile gaps, which erode your jawbone when left unchecked. (This erosion can lead to facial collapse in the long term.) The gaps can also tilt any remaining teeth until they fall out.
Patients often just need to suffer tooth loss to qualify for dentures. The prosthetics don’t have harsh conditions for use otherwise. Still, it would help if you kept a few things in mind.
For starters, your general oral health affects how and whether dentures work. The devices can’t act as replacement teeth if your gums and jaw are too weak. Your mouth can’t support the prosthetics in the latter case. That said, it’s okay if you only have minor oral issues. Dentures can replace any sensitive or decayed teeth.
Next, how many teeth you’ve lost also affects treatment. The final number will determine which of two possible dentures you need. The first kind is a partial model that only replaces a few teeth. Meanwhile, the second one is a full denture – a type that replaces all teeth along an arch.
Lastly, note that your finances also play a role in things. Patients usually find that dentures are the least expensive tooth replacements. So, the devices can be ideal if you have limited funds.
You shouldn’t worry if our dentists think you don’t qualify for dentures. After all, our office has several ways to restore your smile. You could still qualify for two other replacement options. These are:
Depending on individual need and preference, full and partial dentures may be crafted in the traditional way or supported on state-of-the-art dental implants. To determine which restoration is best for you, we will examine your mouth, take X-rays, and learn more about your dental history. From there, we can confidently suggest a tooth replacement option to deliver a natural look as well as improved oral health and function.
Partial dentures are constructed on a light metal frame with tooth- and gum-colored acrylic. Patients attach them to teeth surrounding the gap via metal clasps. Removable and light, “partials” help people enjoy good chewing and great aesthetics. Rinsed after meals and brushed with a quality ADA-accepted denture paste, partial dentures last for years, but usually require replacement at some point. Partial dentures without any metals are also available in certain situations.
There are several different types of full dentures. The first is conventional dentures, which restore a full upper or lower arch of teeth (or both for individuals who are edentulous). Oral impressions are taken and sent to a professional lab where a skilled technician fabricates the denture from lifelike acrylic.
The second is immediate dentures. Since they can be placed directly after tooth extraction, these replacements save patients the embarrassment of being without teeth. Immediate dentures need refitting or relining as the gums and bone shrink during healing.
The third is overdentures (commonly referred to as “implant dentures” since they are anchored by dental implants). In this case, dental implants are surgically inserted into the jawbone to secure fixed or removable dentures.
Dentures are a life-changing tooth replacement option for people who are missing multiple, most of, or all of their teeth. One of the things that makes them so effective is that they are customized for each patient. This means that they require a unique, multi-step process. Everyone’s treatment plan looks a little bit different, but here is what one can generally expect when getting new dentures.
Dentures are comprised of two main parts: the base and replacement teeth. Here is what each one looks like:
After you get your dentures, you may experience some soreness, but this isn’t anything to worry about. Temporary discomfort is normal and common as one adjusts to their new prosthetic. After some time, your dentures will start to feel increasingly more like natural teeth. When you first get your dentures, it’s a good idea to stick to softer foods and exercise your facial muscles. If discomfort persists or you have any concerns, don’t hesitate to contact us.
With modern dental technology, dentures can provide even greater comfort as well as functionality for rebuilding a person’s smile. Not only will they blend seamlessly with the rest of your remaining pearly whites, but you’ll also be able to make the most of various other advantages for your oral health and overall well-being. Here are some of the benefits of dentures so you know what you can expect from your results.
Having some or all of your teeth missing can leave you feeling downtrodden, which can end up increasing your risk of experiencing frustration, depression, and anxiety about your appearance. Dentures, however, can help resolve this issue in the long term. Not only will you regain your complete bite, but you’ll also be free to show off your beautiful smile again.
Losing some of your teeth can affect more than just your bite. To speak clearly, we tend to press our lips and tongues against our pearly whites to effectively pronounce certain sounds and words. Without all of our teeth, this can prove challenging or nearly impossible. With dentures, you’ll be able to regain the ability to enunciate properly as well as boost your confidence in your speech. This can take some time, but repetition and practice can go a long way.
Some foods can be too tough to chew on, including certain fruits, vegetables, and lean protein. Without all of your teeth, eating can become quite difficult and you might end up experiencing problems like malnutrition and indigestion if you’re unable to break your food down properly. By restoring your bite with dentures, you’ll be able to expand your dietary choices so you can get the vitamins and minerals necessary for good oral and overall health.
Even if you have any remaining teeth after tooth loss, your jawbone can begin to deteriorate and shrink, causing those present to shift out of place to fill in the gaps. If left unchecked, this could lead to facial sagging or even further tooth loss. By wearing dentures, you can prevent this process from starting, preserving your natural smile for longer.
Missing teeth can often result in lower self-esteem, which can end up negatively impacting the way you carry yourself. This can affect other people’s impressions of you in both professional and social settings, which might influence your future opportunities. By rebuilding your grin with dentures, you’ll feel more confident and more willing to show off an amazing grin, boosting your chances for success in your career and/or interpersonal relationships.
While there’s nothing like a full set of natural teeth, Dr. Brian and Dr. Katherine know that modern dentures are a great alternative. After receiving new dentures, patients can expect a period of adjustment while facial muscles adapt to speaking and eating with the appliance. Plus, patients can experience sore spots and some minor discomfort at first, but our dentists adjust full and partial dentures to optimize fit, function and comfort.
Of course, it’s important for patients with dentures to continue practicing good oral hygiene at home, starting with rinsing their dentures after eating and brushing with a quality denture paste. Also, individuals should carefully brush their gums, tongue, hard palate and cheeks gently to remove plaque, freshen breath, and stimulate circulation. With attention to hygiene and routine dental exams, dentures last a decade or more.
If you’re looking for a new denture but aren’t sure what you should expect to pay, there are a few key factors that you will always want to keep in mind ahead of treatment. At Dentistry of Windermere, we make use of high-quality materials not only to ensure your denture remains durable, but looks as natural as possible when in use. Below, you can learn a bit more detail on how your costs can increase or decrease depending on your specific needs.
The most notable factors that influence the cost of your denture include the preparations made beforehand and the materials used to fabricate your tooth replacement. For example, some patients may need to have teeth removed if they either prevent a denture from fitting properly or there is a level of decay or gum disease that makes remaining teeth unsalvageable.
Additionally, any treatments needed to treat decay or gum disease will increase overall costs. The types of acrylics used to create the denture base and the ceramics used to create the teeth can also influence your final price tag. Some materials are sturdier and more lifelike, while others are cheaper. Keep in mind that a cheaper denture is not necessarily ideal.
Since implant dentures require the use of dental implants to be held in place, they generally are more expensive. However, the costs are justified when you consider the long-term benefits they provide. For example, implant dentures never shift out of place while in use, even after many years. This is sure to improve confidence in your ability to eat your favorite foods and socialize with others. Furthermore, they are designed to last substantially longer than traditional dentures, which usually need to be replaced every 5 to 7 years.
Dentures are considered a major procedure because they replace many teeth at once, whether it’s through a partial, full, or complete denture. In many cases, dental insurance plans generally offer around 50% coverage, but this is depending on the plan you use. While they should be covered, you should always confirm this to be the case with your dental insurance provider ahead of time. Our office is happy to help file claims and discuss alternative financing options with you to make dentures more affordable.
Our office is currently in-network with at least a dozen PPO dental insurance plans, but we understand if you don’t have dental insurance benefits to utilize at this time. Alternatively, you can enroll into a CareCredit financing option to make monthly installments on your new dentures. In many cases, you can expect low-to-zero interest attached to these payments depending on the plan you choose. You may also find our office’s Dental Membership Program to be a feasible option as it offers discounts on all other in-house services when you sign up.
If you’d like to learn more about receiving a denture at Dentistry at Windermere, don’t wait to give our office a call!
Even if you’ve received brand-new dentures to replace your missing teeth, you’ll want to take care of both your mouth and prosthetics so that you can make the most of your results. Not only will this protect your mouth from unwanted bacteria, but you’ll also prolong the life and functionality of your new smile. Our team can provide you with several aftercare tips to help you preserve your dentures for many years to come.
After finishing your meals, take out your prosthetics so that you can rinse them off. The last thing you’d want is to allow bacteria and debris to settle on your dentures and create plaque. Remember to use lukewarm water, as hot water can end up warping the shape of your prosthetics and causing them to become ill-fitted.
When cleaning your dentures, you’ll want to take them out of your mouth before brushing them. This will allow you to scrub every surface, especially the underside that comes into contact with your gum line, as this is where bacteria can accumulate the most. Use a soft-bristled toothbrush and mild hand soap instead of toothpaste to clean your dentures. If you’re not going to wear them again immediately, then be sure to place them in a cup of water or denture cleanser to keep them fresh. Rinse them off before putting them back on so that you don’t ingest any cleaning chemicals.
Make sure to place a soft tower underneath your dentures while cleaning them over the sink. This can significantly reduce the chance of them becoming damaged should you accidentally drop them. If you aren’t wearing them, store them somewhere out of reach of children and curious pets.
You should always remove your prosthetics before going to bed, as your gums will need time to get the nutrients necessary for healthy tissue. Having your dentures on for too long can increase the risk of irritation and discomfort. Sleeping with them on can also increase your risk of pneumonia as well as plaque buildup on your tongue and gums.
If you see any noticeable shifts in the condition of your dentures, notify our team right away so we can fix the problem. Whether your prosthetics are changing in shape or you’re experiencing issues like gum irritation, mouth sores, or even infection, we’ll want to address the underlying issues as soon as possible. This might involve readjusting your dentures, replacing them, or performing other services to get you back to oral health.
Dentures are well-known for their ability to address advanced tooth loss head-on. With that being said, it’s natural to have questions about this tried-and-true tooth-replacement option, especially if you’ve never had them before. To make finding the answers seamless, we’ve responded to some of the most frequently asked questions here. Of course, you can also give us a call to speak directly with our knowledgeable team!
To keep your dentures in pristine condition, it’s crucial that you clean them daily. Perhaps more important is using the right tools to do so. While regular toothpaste can be used on your natural teeth, the abrasive texture can create microscopic scratches on your dentures. Over time, this can result in noticeable damage to your restoration. Therefore, it’s best to use a soft-bristled toothbrush and dentist-recommended cleaner daily.
Our goal is always to save your natural teeth whenever possible. If it is, then we can use partial dentures to seamlessly fill the gaps in your smile while preserving your existing teeth. If your existing teeth are beyond repair, then getting all of them extracted is possible. Our dentist will review all of your available options during your initial consultation. If it’s decided that the best solution is to extract your remaining teeth, then you’ll need some time for your gums to recover before getting your dentures to avoid unpleasant irritation.
When you first get dentures, you may experience a slight learning curve. Luckily, with enough practice, you can master them relatively quickly. A good place to start is by securing the dentures in place beforehand. For example, if you have full dentures, try biting down and swallowing before speaking. Next, read magazines, articles, and books out loud. When you come across a more difficult word, repeat it several times so your tongue has a chance to adjust to your dentures. Lastly, remember to be patient. Even with diligent practice, it can take some time to maneuver your dentures correctly. Do your best to go slow, give yourself grace, and be persistent.
Do you find that your dentures have a foul odor? It could be the result of lingering bacteria in the various nooks and crannies of your restoration. Other common culprits include dry mouth, sores on the soft tissue of your mouth, and lack of a solid oral hygiene routine. That’s why talking to your denture dentist in Cumming is so important! After determining the root of the problem, they can help you put a plan in place to avoid bad breath with dentures.